Learn how not to drive
Lesson 1
Confidence v.s. Ability
Overtaking at low speeds means more time on the wrong side of the road. So, make sure you’ve got enough power to pass. But, never risk it on yellow lines.
Lesson 2
Letting fate decide
If you overtake on yellows, everyone’s safety is on the line. So, keep your patience and your distance. And follow the road rules.
Lesson 3
Blindsighted by a blind corner
The road isn’t a racetrack. So, drive to the conditions. Brake before corners. And slow down – high speeds don’t belong on holidays.
Lesson 4
Passing on a crest = distress
Accidents happen in the blink of an eye. So, don’t lose your cool if in the summer traffic. Can’t see what’s coming? Stay in your lane.